I insert very thin, sterile needles into strategic acupuncture points based on a Chinese Medicine Diagnosis I make during our initial intake. Working with other tools such as moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, or electro I am influencing the nervous, circulation, endocrine and lymphatic systems of the body.
Chinese medicine looks at the individual and takes into consideration medical history, lifestyle, physical symptoms, emotions, and diagnostic tools such as tongue and pulse diagnosis to come with with a treatment plan just for you.
Since achieving wellness is more than just a few needles, I’ll be guiding you toward other helpful practices such as balanced eating, qi gong exercises, mindfulness practice, breathwork and more.
What does acupuncture treat?
Just to name a few…
Pain and Injury, Acute and Chronic
Headaches and Migraines
Women’s Reproductive Health Concerns
Digestive Problems
Sleep Issues and Insomnia
Stress and Emotional Regulation
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
Respiratory Issues such as Asthma
Neurological Disorders
Does it hurt?
Because acupuncture needles are so fine most people easily tolerate the sensation. Because I too am very sensitive I like to treat my patients the way I wish to be treated. Some needles you probably won’t even feel while others may feel like a quick poke, a heavy sensation, some pressure or warmth or even a little itch.
How do I prepare for my acupuncture treatment?
I always recommend to wear loose and light weight clothing. Often I will need access above the knees and elbows, so a sleeveless shirt and loose fitting wide leg pants is best. Alternatively you can bring a pair of shorts and tank top to change into. Don’t come on an empty stomach, have a light snack at least an hour before treatment. If possible try not to rush before or after your treatment so that you can get the full benefit of a relaxed nervous system.
will i get results immediately?
It will always be my goal to have you leaving the office better than when you came in. That being said chronic and long lasting conditions often taking longer to treat than acute conditions. For an acute pain it may take 3-6 sessions to see great improvement while a more chronic condition may take longer. It didn’t take you one hour to get into the situation so it will probably take more than one hour to get you out of it. Hopefully you will feel so relaxed and refreshed you will be looking forward to your next session regardless!